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Mercado da Vandôma

Not a Saturday goes by without my going to Vandôma street fair, wherever it may be. It used to take place in the lovely Passeio das Fontainhas, and now that it is in Avenida 25 de Abril, it lost some of its beautiful view, but it gained in resilience and character of its sales people. Here you can really feel the heartbeat of the city and their people, where friends, customers and tourists meet, come hell or high water, every Saturday without fail. You will find all manner of incredible objects, from new items, old things, stolen goods or just unwanted memories. More than the objects and valuables on sale, the thing it most interests me about this fair is the people behind each booth. It is a place of immense social diversity, which contrasts sharply with some of the items on sale. But as the saying goes, one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure.